Monday, June 6, 2011

Chelsea 2011

Just a few pictures of some lovely things I saw at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show


  1. How lovely to have been to Chelsea. Lovely photos. I'm sure you'll have had a fab time.

  2. I had a great day Jo. I helped to staff the NGS stand for a couple of hours first thing and then had the rest of the day to wander around drinking in the atmosphere - and some Pimms. It was my first visit to Chelsea and I absolutely loved it!

  3. It was great at Chelsea this year wasnt it? Your photos are much better than mine - my camera batteries ran down after the first 5 or 10 mins which was so frustrating!
    Funnily enough, RHS Wisley is where my sister bought the bag you saw on my blog! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!
    Just rather belatedly putting in my runner bean plants - they are all of a tangle!
    Gill x
